Candidate for Volunteer Homeowner Association Board of Directors, Lake Forest II, Lake Forest, California
Thomas Kalajian extended his commitment to public and community volunteer service through his candidacy in 2002 for an open position in the Board of Directors for the Lake Forest II Homeowners’ Association of which he is a member-resident.
The Association’s bylaws require a quorum of at least 1/3 of the homeowner members cast their vote in order for the election results to be valid. Thomas Kalajian attended all but one meeting during his candidacy, and walked throughout his neighborhood with his family in an attempt to reach a quorum by speaking to homeowners personally and handing out his candidacy flyers and ballots.
In 2002, as in several years consistently in the past, a quorum was not reached, so the election was set aside in accordance with the bylaws. According to the bylaws, no reporting of election results is required if a quorum is not reached. Accordingly, the Board did not authorize the expense for a tally of the votes for the election. The incumbents were automatically returned to office and the one vacant seat was filled by appointment by the reinstated Board.